Condover College (CCL) celebrated a fantastic week as the organisation won awards at two significant national awards in Social Care – Stars of Social Care Awards, an annual event for the Home care and Care home sector in London and at the National Learning Disabilities & Autism Awards in Birmingham.

CCL were thrilled to have three finalists in the Stars in Social Care London; the Recruitment Team for the Recruitment & Retention Award, Vikki Pryce for the Outstanding Director Award, and CCL’s Management Team for the Above & Beyond Team Award (Specialist Services). Hosted by ITV’s This Morning’s Josie Gibson, the night culminated with the Management Team winning the Above and Beyond Team Award (Specialist Services). Stars of Social care judges praised the team, ” The CCL management team, are passionate about providing outstanding support for 150 adults with severe learning disabilities. They maintain an open-door policy, ensuring staff training and development, employee well-being and support is at the forefront. Staff feel valued through awards and benefits, fostering a high-performance culture.”

CCL had four finalists at the Birmingham awards, Sophie Morris for The Newcomer Award, Vikki Pryce for the Outstanding Contribution, the SaLT Team for Breaking Down Barriers Award (Team) and the Education team for their outstanding victory, emerging as the champions In Supporting People with PLMD Award. Another amazing recognition of the high-quality Education support and care provided by the team further adding to their “outstanding” Ofsted achievement awarded in March this year.

The National Learning Disabilities Awards judges quoted “It was clear that staff use a holistic approach, tailoring individualised programs aligned with EHCP outcomes and personal aspirations. The enrichment activities in the community clearly help students explore interests and develop life skills. The staff are highly trained and support a sensory-rich curriculum to maximise learning and prepare students for success in life.”

CCL’s Chief Executive Vikki Pryce commented saying “I am delighted to see our staff’s hard work recognised by winning these two significant awards in two different National Care Awards. This achievement is a true testament to their dedication and passion in what they do.”

Tracy Gillett Director of Education said “We were delighted to be nominated for this fantastic award and are thrilled to have won it. Our Grafton staff team provide outstanding education and support for young people with PMLD and go above and beyond to ensure every single learner can achieves their aspirations.” in response to their award win.

First Photo: The CCL Management Team – Winners of the National Social Care Awards – Above and Beyond Team Award (Specialist Services).

Second Photo:  The Grafton Staff – Winners of the National Learning Disability & Autism Award – The Supporting People with PLMD award,
