Today, Laura Conway, our Lead Specialist Speech & Language Therapist, held Induction Communication Training at our Grafton Centre. Laura led the group through various aspects of communication, covering the importance of being able to communicate and a range of ways to do so with our learners and residents, such as Intensive Interaction and Makaton.


In addition, she ran practical tasks, which provoked the trainee’s thought process behind communication and the importance of interacting with others. The picture shows two members of staff partaking in an activity, which required the person on the left to communicate what was on a picture to the person on the right, so she could draw it. The person communicating was not allowed to use verbal communication; therefore, she used hand gestures, real life objects, etc.  The task gave the trainees an insight into how challenging, frustrating and mentally tiring it can be for those who have difficulty communicating.


Laura’s Communication Training is just one of many courses included in our Induction Training at CCL. At the start of each team member’s contract, they complete a week of induction training, which includes Health & Safety, Disability Awareness, Infection Control, Communication, Privacy & Dignity, Person-centred Care, Safeguarding, Duty of Care, Manual Handling, First Aid, and Epilepsy & Buccall. At CCL, we believe that training is an integral part of ensuring the best possible care for the young people we care for, educate and support.