Condover College had a fantastic day celebrating all our learner achievements virtually this year!

Before Covid-19 restrictions CCL would throw a day full of fun to end the term before summer holidays. This year CCL’s Day Opportunities programme hosted our very own virtual celebration day through Zoom. The theme for this year’s Celebration Day was ‘Rainbows’ which all the learners dressed in colourful clothing and decorated the houses in rainbow coloured bunting. On this special day, all learners and staff across the schemes came together via video call to celebrate the end of term. Staff announced learner achievements, signed and dance along to ‘Proud Mary’ and finished the day with a lovely tea party/picnic.

At the Grafton Education Centre learners celebrated their achievements through reliving special memories via personalised presentations. Those learners who are at home were sent a personalised presentation with lots of photos, a recording of their achievements from their personal tutors and keep sake presents. Celebration Day at Grafton was a day of reflection and an emotional day saying goodbye to learners who were leaving Education.

Staff were also celebrated on Celebration Day, a pre-recorded video was shown over video call announcing the finalists for Colleague Of The Year Award and Steve McGill Award. Well done to Zoe Perdue who received Colleague Of The Year Award, which is a recognition of her outstanding contribution to the staff team. Well done to Helen Davies who was award the Steve McGill Award for her amazing work with the learners.