September 2024

Celebrating 20 years of supporting young adults with disabilities

2024-09-13T16:55:05+01:00September 13th, 2024|

Condover College was established in 2004 by Steve McGill, a father who wanted only the best care for his son, Matthew. Steve had struggled to find a college that catered for Matthew’s disabilities. He knew there was only one thing for it: he’d have to start a college himself. Starting with just 9 learners, CCL [...]

July 2024

Celebration Day at the Grafton Centre

2024-07-31T11:27:09+01:00July 31st, 2024|

Students, staff, family and friends were in high spirits joining together for the end of year celebration day, and what a beautiful summers afternoon for it!  A day dedicated to highlighting the achievements the students have proudly made this year, and showcasing their successes in particular for the Summer term. Tracy Gillett and her staff [...]

June 2022

DofE Bronze Award at Condover College

2022-06-16T14:35:18+01:00June 16th, 2022|

On the 9th June seven learners from the Grafton Centre took part in their Duke of Edinburgh Expedition, the last section to complete before achieving their Bronze award. Learners took part in an overnight stay at a campsite near the Long Mynd. On the weeks running up to the expedition all learners helped to prepare, [...]

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