February 2021

Harley Road’s Virtual Trip to Chester Zoo!

2021-06-16T08:55:02+01:00February 8th, 2021|

On Saturday 6th February, Harley Road attended Chester Zoo’s ‘Live Virtual Zoo Day’. Throughout the day, Chester Zoo held live talks and tours around their various animal’s habitats. Harley Road were in awe of the different animals, particularly the penguins! They also put their arts & crafts skills to good use by painting canvases of [...]

COVID Testing for our Residents

2021-06-16T08:55:02+01:00February 5th, 2021|

In accordance to government guidelines and to keep our residents safe, COVID testing is carried out on our residents every 28 days, as well as our care team three times a week. A considerable time, effort and extra resources goes into testing, including staff training, administrative work and making up thousands of testing kit boxes [...]

January 2021 eNewsletter

2021-06-16T08:55:03+01:00February 4th, 2021|

Every month we send out an eNewsletter to our parents/guardians and team at CCL, with the highlights from that month. Click on the front cover to take a look at our January 2021 edition:  

Amy’s & Gemma’s Birthdays at Church View

2021-06-16T08:55:03+01:00February 2nd, 2021|

Amy from Church View celebrated her birthday this weekend! Church View all had a wonderful time, so we thought we would share it with you (something non-COVID related!). The others all made her chocolate strawberries. Then, they all enjoyed a pamper session, including face masks and foot spas! Later on they made mocktails and gave [...]

January 2021

COVID-19 Vaccinations have started for CCL!

2021-06-16T08:55:04+01:00January 26th, 2021|

We are extremely excited to announce that our team have begun receiving their COVID vaccinations. As soon as we were informed the COVID vaccine was being rolled out to Health and Social Care Staff in Shropshire, we immediately notified our staff and started the enrolment process. 80% of our team have received the vaccine or are [...]

November 2020

Visiting our Residents During COVID-19

2021-06-16T08:55:05+01:00November 23rd, 2020|

The COVID-19 virus has generated unprecedented demands that have exacerbated pre-existing operational and financial pressures in the care sector. With 13 residential homes for people with profound and multiple learning difficulties and additional complex needs, Condover College Ltd (CCL) has been no exception. The Government’s ever-changing guidance and regulations during the pandemic have created logistical issues for us, requiring speedy and innovative solutions. Visiting relatives in care [...]

February 2020

CCL’s Shrove Tuesday Makaton Club

2021-06-16T08:55:06+01:00February 28th, 2020|

CCL's Speech and Language Therapist Nichola hosted February's Makaton Club, with this months theme being Pancakes Learners from across CCL are invited to the monthly Makaton club at the local Tesco Community Centre to learn and practice Makaton signs. In celebration of Shrove Tuesday, this months theme was Pancakes. Learners learnt and practised signs for different toppings including; [...]

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