April 2021

Remembering Ewan Ferguson & James Woolmer

2021-06-16T08:54:58+01:00April 15th, 2021|

This month Harley Road have been remembering their cherished friends, Ewan Ferguson and James Woolmer. Sadly, Ewan passed away on 6th April 2020 and James on 17th April 2019. To remember James, Harley Road have a Magnolia bush planted in their garden. Ewan was very fond of trains, so to remember Ewan they have an [...]

March 2021

CCL’s Swallowing Awareness Day 2021

2021-06-16T08:54:59+01:00March 29th, 2021|

Wednesday 17th March marked Swallowing Awareness Day 2021. To raise awareness for Dysphagia, everyday throughout March we have been sharing facts surrounding the condition. You can see our calendar of facts: https://www.condovercollege.co.uk/swallowing-awareness-calendar-march-2021/   Due to unforeseen circumstances, we moved our Swallowing Awareness Day to Friday 26th March. For CCL’s Swallowing Awareness Day, our team mixed [...]

Purple Day by Epilepsy Society

2021-06-16T08:54:59+01:00March 26th, 2021|

Today (Friday 26th March) was Purple Day. Hosted by Epilepsy Society, Purple day is a time to get people talking about epilepsy, raise awareness of the condition and raise vital funds. Living with epilepsy can effect people’s day-to-day lives differently. At CCL, we support residents and learners who live with epilepsy. To raise awareness, we [...]

CCL’s Mental Health Awareness Programme

2021-06-16T08:55:00+01:00March 18th, 2021|

With it being a year since COVID restrictions began and lockdown started, we believe it is important to highlight the free resources available to support those with mental health issues. Therefore, our Managers created a cover of 'Tonight is the Night' by McFly in Makaton. The song aims to encourage those suffering with mental health issues [...]

St Patrick’s Day at CCL!

2021-06-16T08:55:00+01:00March 17th, 2021|

Our schemes have been busy today enjoying St Patrick’s day!   Church View have made leprechauns and shamrock key rings. They’ve also been smelling and tasting Guinness, which received mixed reviews!   Meanwhile, the Wheatlands have enjoyed a meal to celebrate St Patrick’s Day, starting with salmon pate and toasted bread, followed by beef and [...]

Oxon Parish Church Donations Gratefully Received by Mayfield House

2021-06-16T08:55:00+01:00March 10th, 2021|

Last week Mayfield House were fortunate enough to be offered free activity-based items by Oxon Parish Church, including books, DVDs, a bird feeding station, crayons and so on.   On hearing activity budgets have been cut for people with learning disabilities or those suffering with mental health issues, Reverend Charlotte Gompertz of Oxon Parish Church [...]

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